Big News: Energy Independence
Powered by the Sun!
Big News: We’re producing our own electricity now.
Our new ‘puppy’ – this big fat solar battery – just got plugged in after Covid-19 made us wait. Isn’t she a beauty? She’s soaking up 10kW of sun juice from the panels that live on the Rescue Barn roof. We’ve been producing solar power since 2010, but we’ve upped our system and we’re finally able to store it.
This on-site solar generating system provides all of the electrical power needed to run BADRAP and keeps us on track with reducing our carbon footprint.
Even better, it will keep us fully functional during times when our community really needs us. When PG&E shuts the NorCA grid down again for example, we’ll be able to keep our lights on, care for the dogs here, stay communicating, and we’ll be in a better position to respond to needs such as giving shelter to displaced families and their dogs.
We’re grateful to solar power maverick Casey Hansen and his admin asst., Janie Hoffmeister. Casey donated 19 of our 50 solar panels including the labor to install them. He and Janie have helped operations as big as hospitals and police stations get off grid, so we knew we were in good hands. They come highly recommended if you’re looking to do the same with your own home or animal shelter. Ping us for their contact info.
Photo below: A beefy new awning over the west facing back kennels of the Rescue Barn provides the perfect surface for 19 additional solar panels.