Nice Things
A Collection of Nice Things You’ve Said to Us 
Because advocacy work can feel like an uphill battle on some days and your encouragement is fuel for our souls. This page was built for the staff and volunteers on days we need a little reminder that the world is full of good people. With many thanks for all your feedback and good vibes.
Thanks Bad Rap! Those classes not only helped Dumpling work out some issues but I became a MUCH better dog owner. I appreciate everything that you guys are doing SO much! This training recently helped me with a bit of breed prejudice recently up in the Pt. Reyes area… we were directed to Dillon Beach, and told it was the only true off leash beach in the bay area. So after driving quite a distance to get there we were confronted by a huge “NO PITBULLS” sign at the entrance. Initially I was SO angry but I kept my cool and spoke to the guy at the gate. Luckily he was nice enough to meet Dumpling before judging her. After demonstrating that she was not only well trained but well behaved as well he let us in. Dumpling was one of the most well behaved dogs on that beach that day. – Jason Martian
The public way y’all listen to the dogs and the owners and the shelter workers… you’re shedding bright light on situations that require our help, and you’re laying clear pathways for us to follow. Always with kindness and love. It’s huge, what you do. – Andi Marshall
The great people of BadRap are as loyal, loving and strongheaded as the breed they care for. We all cannot be grateful enough to them! – Roelof Nuberg
BR calls a spade a spade, yet does so in such a diplomatic fashion that it leaves the door open for possible/hopeful improvement and accountability. Kudos, BR for showing us how to move forward, you always set a fine example. – Deb Reilly
I’m using your wisdom right now, to help with a Chocolate mix boy with no manners. Your site has been a sanity saver. – Shawn Wright Williams
Bad Rap, you guys inspire the heck out of me! I LOVE every single thing you post about training. It’s positive, it’s gradual, it builds on success, and it doesn’t promise miracles or quick fixes. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! – Megan Johnson
I just wanted to reach out and say thank you.I have found myself going to your website time and time again for training/information every time I’ve added another rescue to my family or when I need to find info on training. This week I’ve been rereading many of the handouts I’ve printed…we are in the process of possibly adding a senior to our home who isn’t doing well in our local shelter. I honestly would have made tons of mistakes with intros without your help. My young female is bossy and my male lets her be…until he’s had enough…lol…The girls met today and ignored eachother…which was better than I expected….all 3 will meet on saturday and we will decide if we’ll be a good home for her golden years. Thank you for all you do! I owe you a donation! – Best, Linda
What a wonderful, informational journal. I wish that all adopters, of any breed or type of animal, would take the same care about introducing new pets to other resident animals, family members and friends! – Susan Ruxton
This web site is FANTASTIC! We are taking in a roommate with a lovely adolescent pit bull, and we need to get renters insurance to cover liability, per the landlord’s request. I kept getting turned away by insurance providers I checked with, but your website specified farmers and nationwide, and now I’m gleefully armed with renters insurance AND a great new roommate AND a gorgeous pit pup we all love! Not only that, this site is chock full of great information we can refer to for the ongoing training of our new housemate and friend. THANK YOU BAD RAP! – Dawn Horstead
You guys help more than you know. I have three rescue pit bull / pit mixes, and a rescue American Bulldog. I am part of an AmBull owners group here on FB because I have had no experience with that breed and found her to be rather different from my pibbles. At the same time, when the AmBull people have questions about renting, insurance, dog training, dog-dog interaction, introducing a new dog, etc., I have pointed them to your website and I have gotten nothing bu rave reviews and hearty thanks back. So you guys are helping dog owners all over the world, in case you already didn’t know it…..BADRAP — not just for pit bulls! – Rebecca Loveland Anastasio
Thanks for a great orientation! Lulu is very happy with all her new gear: a new bed since she’s no longer allowed on mine, a new collar, and new treats. AND she has snapped to attention like never before! What a difference in just one night. Thank you Bad Rap! – Andrea Luquetta
I just wanted to take a moment and tell you how much joy and happiness your organization and posts bring me daily. I had a pitbull, Teja, who left with my ex and I miss her dearly. When we would go on walks so many people would tell me to be careful, and how dangerous they are. I had so many who would go from letting her like their face to a look of horror when they found out she was a pitbull. Your organization does so much to help break that stereotype and give what I think is the sweetest dogs ever, a real chance at making it to a happy family. I enjoy hearing the stories and seeing the pictures and when possible, giving support. When I am in a better house, I will be adopting another pit bull. Until then, you guys keep me afloat! Thank you so much for what you do! – Nick Kampman
I cannot say enough to everyone involved with BAD RAP how much your posts, info, videos and just your organization means to us bully lovers out there. i have been blessed to have several of these amazing dogs in my life and have had a special place in my heart for the “harder” cases. so far i have been amazed at the resilience of the survivors and applaude the dedication and love you all put in to help these dogs succeed. i use your site for advice as well as to put a smile on my face when it seems there is an endless supply of bullys in need. and thank you so much for this video in particular. Olive is beautiful and the story needs to be splattered in every town, city etc that has shelters where they can use this as thier own training tool! Hooray BAD RAP! – Laura Apshaga
I follow a few different dog rescue/abuse awareness groups on Facebook and I have to say that I really appreciate how Bad Rap handles itself and it’s online presence. You stay positive and upbeat and refrain from judgemental statements about people or situations where it is easy to go negative. I feel like this attitude is much more helpful to our cause and I also think (hope) that it rubs off on your followers (including me) so that we are able to reach people who have different experiences than we do. Keep up the great work! – Lisa Bujarskiposted
I became a volunteer handler at Berkeley Animal Control Services primarily so I could learn from and help Bad Rap. They have an awesome program that allows trained BACS volunteers to take pit bulls from the shelter to Bad Rap training classes. The idea behind this relationship is that a pit bull who is even slightly trained and somewhat socialized is much more likely to be adopted. Also, anyone who adopts a pit from the BACS shelter gets to attend Bad Rap’s classes at no charge! I ended up adopting my “trainee” when no one else was interested. She was a terrible fence-fighter and very dog-reactive, but I saw potential. The Bad Rap trainers got us through the basics, gave me some socialization tips, and generally were just THERE for me when I needed questions answered. My dog passed her Canine Good Citizen test (much to my surprise) within a few months. Now we’ve moved on, and she’s working on being certified as a therapy dog and an allergy-alert service dog. The Bad Rap folks gave both of us the confidence we needed to start out relationship, and I will be forever grateful for their expertise and patience. – Janet
Bad Rap is an awesome organization. The staff of folks are operate like a well oiled machine with great kindness and professionalism, lets not forget how cool and friendly they are too. I am so grateful we were able to help out and look forward to assisting in the future. – East Bay Rats – Shots Fair helper JT Williams
I believe one of the most important roles you play, at least for me personally, is representing a support group to so many pit bull owners. We love our dogs so much it hurts, and it hurts even more when our beloved pets are met with prejudices and discrimination based on their breed. I check you FB updates daily and look at other fans’ posts to be reminded that there are a whole lot of us that love these dogs. I am so proud of my NYC ACC dog, now 6 years old CGC and the mellowest, nicest pooch you’ll ever meet. We left NYC with no less than 4 letters of recommendations from landlords and neighbors. These helped us find a nice rental in otherwise not so pitbull-friendly San Francisco. After 3 years in the city by the bay, we are relocating to my home country of Norway, where APBTs are illegal. You can imagine I am heartbroken, although I know this is the correct decision for my family in the long term. It warmed my heart that so many of my friends and family offered to give my pooch a new home, and in the end i decided that my in laws are the best option for me and him. S such, he will retire in his native NY, although at a lake upstate where his doggy cousin and playtime awaits. Although I will be seeing him during summers, I will miss him so!! And I will continue to educate people about the real APBT, so well exemplified in my lovely, awesome little man!! – Ingrid Stefano
And you rock at it! ;) Thank you for maintaining an amazing site with wonderful information. It spreads your impact far and wide, as I refer people to it very very often. THANK YOU for sharing your knowledge and your advocacy! =) – Amanda M Butler Jackson
I am a Super Believer. You guys are the reason one of the main turning points in my interest and advocacy. I just had the chance to share your work on a walk in Marin County with my Aunties aging dog. Nice guy with intact Pibble pup. Hope he got the message! – Adrienne Clegg
Just found out about your guys. Saw the video on the Flirt Pole training…It has changed EVERYTHING with our female Pit, Lucy! Walking just wasn’t enough and i was desperately trying to find some way to exercise her better. Thanks you so much! – Brandon Jamison
I don’t know how Bad Rap does this so well, but there is a very beautifully cultivated form of energy – both apparent on a computer monitor and in person – that really makes one love any kind of affiliation with the group. Every one of you folks who are in the Bay area, I hope you never lose sight of how amazing your cimrcumstance is to have what you do. It’s no exaggeration to say that many communities across the nation (that are less organized, less resourced, and less clear on how to go forward) drool when they see what is happening in your community with Bad Rap. I loved every minute that I was there, not just in class, but doing other photography-related things at The Barn. Rob, it was so enjoyable exchanging thoughts with you! Janet, thanks for saying what you did above. It makes photography more meaninful and fulfilling when I see things like that. Donna and Tim, you couldn’t have been more welcoming! – Hany Hosny
I only discovered the great info on Bad Rap’s site when I brought home our foster pit bull. I could have REALLY used the advice on handling multi-dog situations after we adopted a Dalmation who picked fights iwth our Spaniel mix. Standard dog training advice was that they’ll learn to love each other with lots of long walks together…they never did. The blog post “Welcome to Bootcamp” and all of the “nothing in life is free” info was fantastic when I brought the foster dog home, too. Thanks! – Christy Avery
Many of years ago I was one of those “first time” visitors and learned so much stuff that I thought I knew but really didnt….. IT WAS THE BEST EDUCATION I EVER RECEIVED AND SAVED THE LIFE OF MY BELOVED BRUTUS AND MANY MORE IN MY COMMUNITY….forever grateful to Badrap (thanks Donna and Tim for being there numeorus times for me ) – Cris Jimenez
We would LUV a pit but have a beautiful shepard, lab, chow, ???, mix at home that we adore ♥ BAD RAP’s training/tips hav helped us 1st time dog owners TREMENDOUSLY!!! thank u!!!! :-) – Shannon Pierce
No Pitties here, although I have several friends who have them, and they are wonderful dogs! I work with a Greyhound rescue, and Greyhounds fresh off the racetrack need to learn how to become a dog! On the track the dogs spend 20 hours of their day in solitary confinement, so everything is new to them, from riding in a car to being in a house. Socializing with other dogs is especially important as Greyhounds have never seen other breeds, although unfortunately, some of them never get along with other breeds or other animals due to their high prey drive. In the end, the reward for everyone who does rescue is watching these magnificient creatures transform into happy, healthy, well-behaved citizens of the dog community! – Debi Schafer Murphy
I’m a cat owner and sometimes dog-foster, but I work at my local SPCA and have been using BAD RAP’s information for YEARS in helping dog owner wannabes find their perfect matches. I also point folks who are nervous/uneducated about pit bull dogs to your website. It’s a great resource! – Adoption Counselor Chester County SPCA Kelli Snyder
I’ve found BR’s training resources, especially the videos, very useful in working with my new pit-mix pup and senior beagle. The beagle, while well socialized with dogs and people, was not particularly well trained with collar and leash. What I’ve learned from BR is helping to re-train the older boy and freshly train the youngster. By walking and doing basic training with both, I’m hoping to avoid the oldster teaching the young one bad habits. Thanks, BR! – Lisa Harrington