Training Classes
Pit Ed classes start up again in December. Saturdays 10-11am. Approved participants will be asked to commit to 6 consecutive sessions after the first dog-less orientation.

Who can participate: Keep’Em Home program clients who’ve been invited to attend by BADRAP team members Tim Racer, Donna Reynolds or Berenice Mora. Class members MUST read this homework in advance.
Be ready to: Be on time. Really!
Sign a waiver at the orientation.
Always keep your dog on leash. Classes are held in a public city park.
Follow all those Golden Rules: Avoid feeding your dog a big breakfast before class and bring good treats. Two hands on the leash and be on your game with safe handling (No nose-to-nose greets with other dogs, etc)
Be aware that this site is in the middle of a frisbee golf course, with swings, family picnics and BBQs. Friendly, low-key scene, but there are some built-in distractions, so we recommend arriving 15mins early to get a parking spot and acclimate your dog to the scene.
Let us know in advance if you need some one-on-one face time to problem solve anything.
- We reserve the right to remove class participants who don’t practice safe, humane handling and/or dogs who are a bad match for a group class. In that case, we’ll do our best to offer a more suitable training alternative.