Volunteer Offer
Thank you for inquiring about volunteer opportunities with BADRAP. Please take a few minutes to fill this out. We love details, so go to town!
Submitting an application is the first step to getting to know you and your interest in our program. It does not guarantee you a volunteer position. Because our team works best when it’s rather small (twenty people on average), volunteer positions are only offered a few times a year, usually after one or more senior members step down from their duties.
Barn Crew Team: Read about The Rescue Barn and the Job Description for this team. You don’t have to have dog experience or ‘pit bull experience’ to join our team. But one of the best ways to gain the kinds of skills we value while contributing to life saving efforts is to sign on as a volunteer handler at Berkeley Animal Care Services, and later, as a handler in our Saturday Pit Ed handling class. Many of our best handlers come from this background and some go on to join us on larger rescue missions including out of state rescue missions. We can’t stress enough how helpful the shelter experience has been for readying our crew for this work!
Foster Home: If you think you might like to provide a foster home for a homeless dog until she or he is adopted (thank you!), you will likely be asked to 1. Observe a Pit Ed class to help you learn about our techniques for motivating new manners in a dog. 2. You may be asked to take a BADRAP dog through class once or twice to get the hang of our methods. and/or 3. You may be asked to first join our team for one or two shifts in the Rescue Barn as a way to help us get acquainted.
Other Duties (Veterinary help, language translation, transport help, fundraising, event planner, etc): We also rely on a loose network of help from people who have special skills but who can’t devote more than a few hours a year. Please let us know if this describes you. Thank you!