Star – Esteemed Survivor
Star is a trail blazer with a story to tell. She survived a dog fighting operation in the Los Angeles area and was the first adult dogthat L.A. County Animal Services has released to rescue from that environment.
She doesn’t care too much about her past, though. Once she moved into our Rescue Barn, she got busy learning how to be a real dog. That included the happiest fun of all: The joy of having human leaders who care very much about her happiness and the friendships of the other on-site dogs. To say that this girl’s life did a 180 is an understatement.
Star’s life got even better when she went home to her new family. She now lives with two cats, another bust dogs survivor named Loredo, and is the apple of her people’s eye.
Update: Despite Star’s example and the progress made for dogs from similar cases around the country, Los Angeles County continues to condemn dogs from fighting yards to death.