The Ripple Effect of TLC
Nine year old ‘Homie’ was under the weather when his family brought him to a Nut Truck event for a neuter, and the vet staff discovered a tumor on his scrotum that needed a quick removal. His family loves him dearly and the discovery seemed to bring up the painful realization that their sweet boy wasn’t the young, healthy dog he used to be.
Our Nut Truck clients have the option of staying with their dogs during the longish wait before and after surgeries and most choose to do just that. Hanging out together for so long gives families a chance to settle in, get some training help and learn about our programs, and it helps us identify other ways to support them. Homie’s family took advantage of the opportunity to discuss his needs and soaked up all the info we could offer on senior dog care, including the need to begin transitioning him to life as an indoor dog. It was a great connection and we all felt inspired by their love for their dog.
They contacted us a few weeks later to let us know he was thriving, and shared photos to show the new and improved Homie. He was always well loved, but the extra attention seemed to perk him up in the very best ways. So much respect for this family for diving in, for making some changes and committing to their boy’s geriatric needs. We hope he lives a long, happy and healthy life.
“Thank you for saving our babies life! Please post these follow up pictures. So happy to have him back to full energy and love!” – The Patino family