The hardest decision
In 2020, two out of every three dogs who came to our adoption program came directly from families who had no choice but to give them up. None of the decisions came easy to the homes we worked with.
Lack of affordable housing and financial hardship rank as the top reason dogs fall out of homes. Before accepting these dogs, we work with families to problem solve as best as we can in hopes that a solution will allow them to keep their dog – ‘Keep’em Home.’
In a few cases in 2020, we saw success and families found the solution they needed. But the added pressures of Covid-19 brought bigger challenges that were difficult if not impossible to work around for others.
It’s a terrible situation for any animal lover to find themselves in. While dogs are resilient and adjust well to change, we know the loss felt by their humans is deep. Matching these dogs to the very best home possible takes on new importance for this group.