A tough decision saves a life
The godmother of the young man in the photo sent this kind note shortly after we neutered his dog, Saint. Chris has been been battling homelessness and deep loss. and it was clear his dog was everything to him. It wasn’t the easiest decision, but we’re so glad that he finally agreed to neuter his boy. That decision allowed the vet staff to remove a troubling tumor, likely extending Saint’s life.
“Sunday, at the Pittsburg event, you saved Saint’s life. You also, unknowingly, restored a young man’s faith in humanity. Saint, a seven year old bully and my godson Chris have stuck together through horrific situations, and significant losses. Chris was sooooo apprehensive about having Saint neutered. Without the interventions of your staff (who talked like troopers) I don’t believe Chris would have actually gone through with the procedure. Saint is a beautiful animal, a poster pit, and attracts a lot of attention for his physique alone.
It was absolutely refreshing to be in a place that gave priority to pitbulls. An unheard of practice!! Upon returning to the site to pick Saint up after his procedure a very nice gentleman came to talk to us and told us they had found a tumor in Saints testicles and had succesfully removed it. This man also told us what a good patient Saint had been, commenting on his socialization and general sweetness. I realized it had been two years since I had seen Chris actually smile.”