A child asks for help
The Craigslist ad said that the puppy had a crooked leg and needed a home asap. We didn’t know it at the time, but the ad was written by a 12 year old girl who’d been trying to find a permanent solution after seeing the pup get passed through several students’ hands at her school.
We spoke with her mom on the phone and explained how our foster and adoption process worked. It warmed our hearts that even though they didn’t have the means to help her, they had good questions about our program and cared very much that we do everything possible to help Ting get a good life.
Taking Ting into our program was a no-brainer. Her leg was bent as a result of poor diet, but straightened nicely with care that included good nutrition. She grew into a beautiful young dog and found a great home – All because a 12 year old girl took it upon herself to step in when she needed an advocate.