Application: For Reduced Cost Bus Home Opportunity

busTO ASSIST DISPLACED DOG OWNERS during CA’s housing shortage, BADRAP is offering a limited number of retired 2011 Ford E450 transit vans – ‘Shorty Buses’ – to motivated individuals for safe living space until they’re able to secure more permanent, dog friendly housing. This is a transfer of ownership offer.

Details: The vans are 24′ long, 10 cylinders, gas fueled with automatic transmissions. They offer opportunities for conversion to comfortable living spaces. See examples of bus conversions and some photos of buses we’ve already converted.

QUESTIONNAIRE below. Your answers will help us determine if a van might be a good option for your situation. We appreciate lots of details. Thank you for reaching out and helping us learn about your needs.

Application for Short Bus

Keep'Em Home. Because every dog owner needs a little support at times.
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